Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Work in Progress/Lessons Learned

This is my new little blog to post my knitting projects and a place to save links for things I'd like to try. Whee! Tayto knits!

I'm working on this free pattern from Lion Brand right now. A first attempt this weekend left me confused while shaping the neck and front. I frogged it and started over - no mistakes yet, almost halfway through!

Ok, edited 2 hours later...after mistakes made.

I dropped a stitch when moving the held stitches for the right side onto a live needle. It dropped down 3 rows before I noticed - I successfully was able to pick it up.

Then an hour or so further into the project I checked my length on the right front and realized that I had been knitting the right front increase side in the opposite direction. I don't know if this makes any sense to someone reading this, but it doesn't really matter. All you need to know is that I majorly screwed up for about 4 inches. In the past I would have probably frogged the whole thing and started over. I've always been intimidated at the thought of trying to fix mistakes, thinking I would just screw up further. Why did I never try to fix, and frog if fixing wasn't successful? Why did I just frog? Well, the days of blinding frogging are over. I used a smaller needle and wove it into the stitches successfully! Unravelled only up to that point, and started again. After years of scarves and other little flat things, this is my first "wearable" and I'm learning a lot from it. Now, let's see what adventures I encounter when it's time to block, sew and finish...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yay! Tayto Knits! Are you making a baby sweater? It's so cute. I wish I could learn to do that. Hurry up and master it so you can teach me. ;)